


What got me into STEM?

I was tired of feeling like a bad teacher. I was tired of the pressure from admin. to teach science like a nonfiction reading comp. class. I knew that my best feel-good teaching moments came from empowering my students — usually through hands-on activities. I believed there was a way to bring more joy to my classroom without sacrificing rigor. Fun doesn’t have to mean fluff.

In 2008, I discovered a master’s program in design-based learning that changed my life. More importantly, it changed my students’ lives! The more design projects into my class, the more I felt like the teacher I was meant to be.

My kids were empowered & challenged. They were problem-solvers and critical thinkers. With experience, they became resilient risk-takers who persevered in the face of failure.

My proudest teaching moments are all connected to STEM Challenges. I want teachers everywhere to feel the pride of feel-good teaching moments. I want students everywhere to feel the joy of brain-busting work disguised as fun. That’s what’s behind the work I do today.

So come and hang out, check out the blog, resources, videos, and PD. And don’t hesitate to reach out & connect!